Ready to Save Time and Money?

Utilizing pre-validated packaging can streamline your devices time to market while cutting down on the costs associated with package development and validation. These ready-to-use solutions are compatible with a wide range of medical devices in various sizes and can accommodate different sterilization methods.

Explore more to learn how pre-validated packaging can benefit your medical device launch!

Pre-Validated Tray

Pre-Validated Chevron Pouch

Pre-Validated Packaging Solutions

Packaging can be one of the most costly and time consuming aspects when developing a medical device. Luckily, Life Science Outsourcing (LSO) has developed pre-validated packaging systems that save you crucial time and money during the process. Available in tray and pouch formats in various sizes!

  • Save between 6 to 12 months on design
  • 5-year shelf life
  • 3 tray options and 9 pouch options
  • Compatible with gamma and ethylene oxide sterilization
  • Various size configurations
  • Off-the-shelf availability 
  • Meets industry-outlined standards
  • No development of custom tooling
  • Mitigates supply chain risks
  • Constructed of high-grade materials

Let's Start Packaging Today!

Life Science Outsourcing is an FDA registered and ISO 13485 certified full service Medical Device Contract Manufacturer.

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