The Strategic Advantages of Localized Ethylene Oxide Sterilization Services for Medical Devices

3M Steri-Vac chamber processing a small batch of EtO at Life Science Outsourcing.

Life Science Outsourcing (LSO) has strategically located bi-coastal facilities in California and New Hampshire enabling us to deliver Ethylene oxide (EtO) sterilization services close to your location, no matter where you are. We are poised to provide you with superior service, no matter your vicinity. LSO comprehends your key objectives and function as your dependable ally in bringing your medical devices to the marketplace where they can exert the positive health impact it was created for, in the quickest time possible.

Sterilization plays a pivotal role in introducing products to market. It ensures that products are safe and free from harmful pathogens. EtO is one of the more common forms of sterilization due to its ability to reliably sterilize a wide variety of differing materials – from plastics to steel and beyond – while preserving product integrity. Although it is the most popular form of medical device sterilization, it does carry health hazards, and a wave of strenuous EtO sterilization regulations has altered its use across the medical device landscape in recent years.

Existing industry regulations were expanded to combat ethylene oxide’s potential adverse health and environmental impacts. These resulted in commercial sterilization facility shutdowns, leading to frustrating setbacks, costly delays, financial losses, and limited sterilization options for medical device companies. Considering the value EtO offers, a solution was necessary to get back on track: Small batch EtO sterilization with convenient quick-turnaround near you!

What is small batch ETO?

Small batch EtO is simply the process of sterilizing smaller quantities of devices. While larger volumes are sometimes necessary, small batch sterilization can bypass limited facility options or backlogs and get your products out to market where they need to be.

What are the benefits of small batch EtO?

Sterilizing smaller batches of devices offers many benefits. The primary benefit is that it uses less gas, resulting in:

  • Reduced environmental impact
  • Limited technician exposure
  • Less oversight and regulation

Small batch EtO sterilization is a safer process and therefore ideal to mitigate EtO health and environmental concerns. And it can be the solution to your backlog issues.

LSO specializes in small batch EtO sterilization in our state-of-the-art 3M chambers. By working with smaller quantities, we can navigate the usage of EtO gas with reduced regulation and oversight. Our small-batch service at a facility near you not only provides a quick turnaround time for your medical devices, but it also spares you the inconvenience of waiting in line with larger contracted commercial sterilizers.

Moreover, our approach goes beyond expediency. We prioritize safety. While delivering the same high-quality ethylene oxide sterilization, we take extra precautions to ensure a safer process. With LSO, you will have peace of mind knowing that your medical devices are in capable hands.

Streamline services for a smoother supply chain

Benefit from our comprehensive, all-inclusive services available at your nearest LSO facility! LSO can not only sterilize your product, we can also assemble, package, and perform package testing under one roof, saving your team time and money. Our skilled staff has nearly thirty years of experience in contract manufacturing, sterilization, and packaging for the medical device industry. Enhance your supply chain velocity by entrusting us with many of your operational tasks, all performed under a single roof in a location convenient for you. This optimization not only accelerates your productivity but also enhances your output. By entrusting us with logistics, you can ensure a smooth and speedy transition of your product, from sterilization to its final delivery to the end user.



Looking for more information on ethylene oxide sterilization? Read The Right Challenge Device for Ethylene Oxide (EtO) Sterilization.

Start up. Speed up. Scale up. Founded in 1997, Life Sciences Outsourcing is an FDA-registered and ISO 13485-certified organization with services and capabilities spanning the entire medical device product life-cycle – from turnkey manufacturing, testing, validation, and sterilization to precision packaging, fulfillment, and distribution. Email us at or call (714) 672-1090 today to get started.


Contact us to learn more about our small batch EtO services!

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